What is Marriage?

Let’s talk about marriage. Can you say that you are physically and mentally ready? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? What steps we need to do after the proposal and engagement?

Marriage is the union of two people that is madly in love to each other. A lifetime commitment. In our, law marriage is the formal and legal way to let people know that you two couple will spend the rest of your life together. And honoring God, because He is the main reason why you two ended up marrying each other.

Photo Credit: http://www.ruffaandmike.com
Photo Credit: http://www.ruffaandmike.com

Here in our country we have these rituals and traditions that we’ve been practicing for a long time. But some of the modern family is skipping some of it. Here below are some examples:


  1. Proposal and Engagement ring –
    Engagement ring. Photo Credit: http://paopaosanchez.com
    Engagement ring.
    Photo Credit: http://paopaosanchez.com

    This is the surprise that your husband to be is planning, to pop the question “Will you marry me?”. This should be between you two only but now a days it is very modern. Most of the husband to be will hire photographers and videographers to capture this memorable day for the both of you. Engagement ring symbolizes the commitment of the couple. Some will buy new rings but some will give a treasured family heirloom as an engagement ring.

  2. Meeting of the two families – This what we called “Pamamanhikan”. This is where both family will discuss the details of the upcoming wedding such as the budget, guest list, venue, theme and etc. In our culture the groom’s family will bring pasalubong for the bride’s family and the bride’s family will host the said pamamanhikan to their home by preparing foods. But now in our time it usually done in restaurants for less hassle.
  3. Serving the family – In old days this is the practice of the groom, to serve the bride’s family by chopping woods, fetching water, feeding farm animals and etc. But now a days this ritual is dying.
  4. Informing the relatives – This is where the couples will visit their elder relatives to inform them that they will be getting married and introducing their partners. But now this was held in engagement party.
  5. Visit the Priest – This is what we called prenuptial interview. Where you couples will discuss the wedding to the Priest/ Pastor. This is where priest / pastor will asks some questions for you guys to determine if you are ready for marriage.
  6. Offering eggs to St. Claire – This what we all know ritual for occasions so that we will have a great and wonderful weather by offering eggs to St. Claire.
  7. Confession – This is the spiritual cleansing of the sins committed prior to your wedding.


  1. Stag Party / Despedida de soltera – Stag party or last day of freedom was made for the groom by his groomsmen. this party is strictly for men only. Despedida de soltera or farewell to single-hood is for the bride where the bridesmaid will prepare and conduct a party where it is exclusive for women only.
  2. Money dance – This where the first dance is being done by the newlyweds. While dancing the newlyweds family, relatives and friends will put money on their clothes.
  3. Throwing of rice grains –
    Throwing of flower petals to the newlywed. Photo Credit: http://www.marloncapuyan.net/
    Throwing of flower petals to the newlywed.
    Photo Credit: http://www.marloncapuyan.net/

    This was the old tradition of us Filipinos. Now a days instead of throwing rice grains it was replaced of flower petals.

Married life is not a joke. So you need to be 100% sure about your decision because once you are married you cannot undo things easily. So, are you ready? or not? We gather some question you need to ask if you are ready to go on to the next level of your life.


  1. Am I done with my single life?
  2. Do I accomplish my dreams as a single person?
  3. Am I ready to submit to my partner?
  4. Am I ready for the big change?
  5. Do I really love this person?
  6. Am I ready to share all my personal things? money? time?

Some couple just go straight in marriage without knowing the Pro’s and Con’s of married life. There is this one word that every unready couple will say after spending their years together with conflicts and arguements is “napikot lang ako”. Pikot or was forced into marriage. So here are some Pro’s and Con’s.


  1. You have someone by your side every single day.
  2. You have someone to help you on anything.
  3. You don’t have to pay rent and bills alone.
  4. There is always someone who will protect you no matter what.
  5. You don’t have to do things alone.


  1. You can’t no longer partying like a single person.
  2. You always have to inform your partner everything and every decisions you will do.
  3. You can’t just go home whatever time you want.
  4. You have to share all of what you have.
  5. More responsibilities.

Some couple is not taking marriage seriously. In our days now young people seems like rushing to the idea of getting married because they always have this annulment thing in mind when difficult time came. Let all put in our minds that getting married is not a game. It will require all of your time, patience and emotion, in short the WHOLE YOU.

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